
Showing posts from January, 2023

When To Choose A Rooftop Air Conditioner For Your Business

  Heating and cooling your commercial space is vital to maximizing everyone’s comfort. The market provides a vast choice of different types of HVAC systems. There are split systems where a central air conditioner contains two components, and then you have a separate heating unit. Another option is an energy-efficient rooftop air conditioner that not only cools but also heats your area. It also is an optimal means of controlling the interior climate without disrupting inhabited spaces. Enjoy all the benefits of rooftop air conditioners installed by qualified HVAC technicians, including a compact footprint, noise control, and much more. 5 Reasons to Choose a Rooftop Air Conditioner When your job requires you to make the best decision for your facility while staying within budget, a rooftop air conditioner may be the answer. These robust systems provide what you need to ensure all inhabitants are comfortable while still offering energy efficiency. Here are five reasons you may want to...

The Basics Of Commercial Boilers

  Of the many different ways to heat a building, a boiler may be one of your most reliable and sturdy pieces of equipment. They warm buildings by heating water. You might think of old buildings with pipes running through walls into a radiant heater that would make sounds as it heated a room. That old-timey piece of equipment is actually still a proficient way to ensure you get the warmth you seek within different units. When a licensed HVAC technician is caring for it properly, your  boiler  can last for nearly 35 years, based on the type. Commercial Boilers 101 If you have never worked in a building that is heated with a boiler, understanding the basics will help you ensure your systems remains functional for years. Here is an overview of boilers, including what they are, the different parts, and safety and maintenance requirements: What Is a Boiler?:  This pressurized system uses combustible fuel or electricity to heat water. Depending on the system, either hot wat...

Benefits Of Choosing Packaged Air-Cooled Chillers

  If you have a food processing plant, dairy, or brewery, you understand the need to keep your product cold. You need a unit that will quickly cool things down while maintaining efficiency. A common choice among professionals in these industries is a  packaged air-cooled chiller . They are comprised of many parts, including a condenser, compressor, and evaporator. They extract heat from the ambient air and use attached fans to push cold air out. With the many different types of chillers, you are bound to find exactly what will fit your company’s needs. Remember to work with a qualified and licensed commercial heating and air conditioning company for the best usefulness and longevity. Why Choose a  Packaged Chiller If you have been sitting on the fence about what type of chiller to purchase, consider these six benefits: Save You Money:  Today’s packaged chillers install quickly by a certified team. Other types of chiller systems can take a team much longer and cost yo...

Understanding The Difference Between An Air-Cooled And Water-Cooled Condenseer

  Understanding Condensers Condensers are cooling devices that are used in industrial processes. The kind of condenser you use depends on various factors. Depending on the type, the system will either use ambient air to remove heat or water. Air-cooled condensers are found in some industrial settings, such as power plants in areas with little water. They work by pressurizing and superheating vapour in the compressor. Then it evaporates before it heads to the condenser. More heat is lost in the condenser, returning more liquid to vapour. When you are ready to install or service your  air-cooled condenser , it pays to work with a skilled and experienced commercial and industrial HVAC company. An In-Depth Look at Air-Cooled and Water-Cooled Condensers You will find that your condensers will typically be one of two options – air-cooled or water-cooled. These systems will ensure that your coolant does what it is supposed to. Here is a breakdown of how each work: Air-Cooled Condense...

Benefits of a Commercial Heat Pump for Your Business

  Companies that continually look for ways to cut costs know that it is imperative to look at all aspects. One important area to consider is your heating and air conditioning system. Many businesses find that their utility bills are among the most expensive of operational expenditures. As costs for energy continue to climb, you need ways to cut costs without leaving your employees, tenants, or visitors feeling uncomfortable indoors. A  commercial heat pump  is one alternative to your conventional boiler, furnace, or central air unit. This type of HVAC system may be the ideal solution for your bottom line and your building’s indoor comfort. 8 Benefits of Installing a Heat Pump at Your Facility You will find that your condensers will typically be one of two options – air-cooled or water-cooled. These systems will ensure that your coolant does what it is supposed to. Here is a breakdown of how each work: Air-Cooled Condenser:  These systems use standard airflow for cool...