The Importance Of Having Maintenance And Inspection Performed On Your Heating System
Help prevent untimely breakdowns and maximize the efficiency of your heating system and reduce operating costs.
Rooftops & Air Handlers
Air Filters
- With dirty or plugged air filters, the system will run longer due to airflow reduction, increasing the utility bill.
- With dirty or plugged air filters, overheating of the heat exchanger will occur, which will shorten the heat exchanger life span.
Gas Pressure
- For optimum efficiency, the gas pressure must be set to the manufacture’s specifications.
- When the gas pressure is set too low, it can lead to condensation in the heat exchanger. This causes corrosion, which ultimately leads to the failure of the heat exchanger.
- Low gas pressure will reduce system efficiency.
- Nuisance lockouts on the flame sensor can occur.
- High gas pressure can lead to overheating the system, placing stress on the heat exchanger and system components, causing premature failure of the heat exchanger.
Fan Belt Tension and Alignment
- If the belt is tensioned to loose, the belt will slip on the pulleys when rotating; this causes friction, which heats up the belt,
- causing premature damage to the belt and wears on the pulleys.
- As the belt starts to wear, the slippage increases, causing a reduction in airflow, which can overheat the heat exchanger.
- A belt that is tensioned too tight can cause the fan motor to run at a higher amperage than the motor is rated for, which leads to motor failure.
- Over tensioned belts will put stress on the bearings of both the motor and blower causing premature bearing failure.
- Belts that are out of alignment between the motor and blower pulleys will cause the belt to wear quickly, shortening the belt and pulleys’ lifespan.
Fresh air economizer position
- If the economizer minimum position is set too low, the amount of fresh air entering the building will not be sufficient for the building’s occupants.
- If the economizer minimum position is set too high, then the system will have to run longer than necessary to maintain the temperature setpoint, increasing the energy costs to operate the system and lowering energy efficiency.
Water Pressure
- Low system water pressure is not likely to cause and damage the boiler, but it can have a real effect on the boiler’s efficiency, adding to an increased cost to operate. This can cause low flow conditions throughout the building, reducing the heat output. Low water pressure could be a sign of a system leak and should be addressed to find the reason the pressure is low.
- High system water pressure can cause the pressure relief valve to open and leak. Generally, a high-pressure water problem is from either the fill valve passing, or the expansion tank is waterlogged or has incorrect air side pressure.
Burners and Heat Exchanger
- Dirty or fouled heat exchangers can cause improper combustion resulting in sooting of the heat exchanger.
- Venting should be checked to ensure there is no corrosion, blockage, or leakage.
Combustion Analysis
- Many Manufacturers recommend a flue gas analysis be performed on an annual basis. The combustion analysis will determine if the air to fuel ratio is correct for the system’s safe and efficient operation.
Safety Controls
- To keep the system running safely, high limit, low water cut off control, flow switch, pressure relief and other associated safety controls should be checked for proper operation.
Don’t ignore the signs that your heating system is giving you. With the proper maintenance and inspections, you can eliminate unwanted costs down the road.
If you’re in need of service and repair of your heating systems, contact us today or give us a call at (905) 470-2424.
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